Des Grands Thés bio et éthiques, des voyages et des rencontres…

Arlette Rohmer, fondatrice des Jardins de Gaïa

4 warm mocktail recipes that will win you over

Winter is here, certainly in terms of the temperature! The ice cold mocktails of summer are a real delight, but when it’s cold, we want something warm, delicious and comforting … As an aperitif, as a snack or for brunch with a twist, we have created four recipes you’ll want to try straightaway! Perles de Noël (inspired by Bubble Tea), Grog des jardins, Hélène et sa belle poire and Tonka’cchiato: make way for warming winter mocktails!

Hélène et sa belle poire

In a saucepan, infuse 4g of cocoa barks husks in 300ml of water and add half a pear. Simmer for five to 10 minutes depending on how you like the pear to be cooked.

In a frying pan toast the flaked almonds with a little ground Terra Madre Cambodian Long Red Pepper.

Remove the half pear and set aside. Then strain the infusion and mix the husks with the toasted mixture of almonds and pepper.

Roll the half pear in the flaked almonds, pepper and cocoa barks (it’s all edible!) to cover it on all sides as if rolling in breadcrumbs.

For the 300ml infusion (which may be cloudy) into a cup, arrange the decorated pear on top or on one side and enjoy!

Le Grog des Jardins

Put a teaspoon or tablespoon (depending on your preference) of honey in a teapot, together with a few drops of lemon juice and half a lemon slice.

In the filter, add first the linden blossom, then the Terra Madre thyme and leave to brew for five to 10 minutes.

Remove the filter, add a second half lemon slice and enjoy!


For an 11cl cup or glass:

With a  chasen, dissolve 1 cha-shaku of matcha cooking in a preheated matcha bowl with at least 40ml of water heated to 90 degrees. Make sure there are no lumps and set aside.

In another container, whisk the milk into a froth with a dash of agave syrup and two grates of  Terra Madre tonka bean, add 70 ml of millet milk and froth.

For the frothed milk into a preheated cup or glass, then pour in the emulsified matcha.

Add two turns of Terra Madre Black Kampot pepper and taste as soon as possible with a teaspoon!

This recipe is a good alternative to an espresso or macchiato when you need a boost! 😊

Perles de Noël (inspired by Bubble Tea)

Cook some Japanese tapioca pearls in water and turmeric (to add colour). You know they are cooked when they are translucent and pigmented.

Infuse one tablespoon of Christmas Tea in 200ml of hot water.

Heat 100ml of soya milk, add a teaspoon of Terra Madre Christmas Spices and whisk to a foam.

In a  pretty glass cup (if you have one), pour two heaped teaspoons of Japanese tapioca pearls,  a tablespoon of honey, the hot tea and finally add the whipped soya milk.

Drink through a wide straw and enjoy!

Écrit par Les Jardins de Gaïa

Pionniers sur le marché des thés et tisanes bio et équitables, Les Jardins de Gaïa proposent, depuis 1994, des grands crus nature, des classiques et des créations maison originales. Privilégiant les petits producteurs et les récoltes manuelles, ils ont développé au fil des années une gamme généreuse et variée de thés, rooibos et tisanes aux qualités gustatives reconnues, ainsi qu’une gamme d’épices bio et prémiums proposée sous la marque Terra Madre. Tel un jardin épanoui, la force des Jardins de Gaïa tient dans la diversité des terroirs et l’engagement des hommes qui la travaillent…

Notre Maison de thé
